Unhoused Support
In partnership with local organizations, UUCV seeks to support the unhoused folks in our community. Church members provide meals and supplies, fill volunteer shifts, and spend quality time with the families in our partner organization programs.
For more information or to sign up to volunteer, contact us@uucvan.org.
What We Do
UUCV supports the Winter Hospitality Program. The WHO Program is an interfaith and community-supported overflow shelter that offers temporary winter shelter to unhoused folks in our area. The program is housed at St Andrew Lutheran Church, 5607 Northeast Gher Road, Vancouver, Washington, 98662. It offers shelter for families, single women and couples without children from November 1 – March 31 each year.
You can find more details about how to support them here.
For more info, contact Dave Irwin (in UUCV directory). Thank you for your valuable time.
How You Can Help
Beyond taking a volunteer shift at WHO, we welcome new ideas and projects to support the unhoused in our community. Email us@uucvan.org to let us know what ideas you have.
Resources for Unhoused Persons
Unhoused persons who are not participating in Family Promise are invited to access these Clark County resources. They may not camp on our property.
St Vincent de Paul – 360-694-5388 – 2456 NE Stapleton Rd
Provides food and clothing
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Food: 9:00a – 1:00p Clothing: 9:00a – 12:30p
Council for the Homeless Housing Hotline – 360-695-9677
Find housing
CVAB Warmline – 360-903-2853
Non-crisis mental health and addiction counseling
CVAB Hotline – 360-696-9560
Mental health crisis