When you become a member of this church, you make a decision to participate in being part of our beloved community. Membership entitles you to vote at congregational meetings, to have a voice in the direction of the church, and to be a leader in sustaining our vision. It is the people who make a church.

Our Path to Membership classes allow you to meet our minister, learn how our church works, and explore how you can become more involved. Classes are offered on zoom or in-person with childcare available upon request. To let us know you would like to attend a class or for any questions about membership, please email membership@uucvan.org.

UU History and Theology

This covers a general history of Unitarianism and Universalism and the theologies that have defined our movement.

UUCV Past and Present

This class will explore how UUCV grew from the “little fellowship that could” to the multi-faceted church it is today. We will also look at ways to get involved in this community.

Entering Membership

Once you’ve decided to become a member (after having taken one or both of the above offerings), come to this class to meet other new members and explore your reasons for taking the leap. In this class, you will officially join the church in a small ritual gathering.

New Member Ingathering

Every few months, we will take time during worship to recognize and welcome new members into the congregation. It is a time for connection with all members of the church and to recognize that we build our beloved community together.