Litter Pickers
Frequency: third Saturday of the month, February thru October
Duration: 2-3 morning hours per month
Contact: Ellen Ives at for more information.

Isn’t it wonderful to walk along a sidewalk, bicycle or drive down a road with trees and grass along the side — all clean and clear with no litter?
Our UUCV group has joined Adopt-A-Road, a Clark County program to beautify the roads we travel each day. Our stretch is a few miles of NE St. Johns Road just north of 78th Street. It is safe; there are sidewalks on both sides. This would be a good service project for families, children do need to be at least 13 years old. You don’t need to volunteer every month, just those that you’re able.
We often hear “Thank you!” called out to us from car windows, passing cyclists and walkers. Once we had a motorist stop and ask how to sign up to help! People appreciate litter-free roads.
Wildlife both here and downstream does better with litter-free areas, too. Litter is easily mistaken for food by animals and fish. It is very damaging to them and can cause death. Dogs can become very ill after eating a cigarette butt, the most commonly littered item, after which they may require veterinary treatment.
It can be interesting too and give pause for a chuckle or head scratching moment. We find discarded clothing, sweatshirts, t-shirts and, yes, underwear at least one time, oh my! We wash and donate clothing in good enough condition for reuse. Recyclables collected are sorted out and the metal taken to the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store as part of the UUCV Beyond Curbside Recycling Program.
Please join us; your help would be appreciated. Contact Ellen Ives at for more information.