Maplewood Moseley Community Garden
Changing People’s Lives Through Growing Food.

The vision for the Maplewood Moseley Garden came to life in early 2020 just as the pandemic began. UUCV was looking for a project that would benefit our neighbors while focusing attention on our values of social and environmental justice. Five supportive Community Partners told us they would like a community garden to help address food insecurity. Together, we built the new garden just east of the church on the banks of Burnt Bridge Creek.
Many supporters contributed to bringing the garden to life. Fueled by foundation grants, donations from local businesses, and individuals, the garden team broke ground in November 2020. Over the next few months, the garden took shape. Volunteers from UUCV and the wider community built 24 raised beds, a kiosk, and a picnic area, and the church grounds crew oversaw the installation of an irrigation system, a fence surrounding the garden, and a garden shed. A Maplewood family built an entry kiosk. Volunteers used no till methods to create the garden and picnic areas and prepare the beds for planting. In the spring of 2021, gardeners began to plant their garden beds.
The garden employs organic, earth-friendly, sustainable practices. It provides fresh, healthy food to gardeners who come to us by way of referrals from our Community Partners. More-experienced gardeners work with new gardeners to teach them how to grow food. Garden monitors check on the garden each day during the growing season to provide a helping hand. Everything the gardeners need to grow food is provided by the UUCV community.
To ask a question or get involved email
You can also find us on Facebook.
Donate to the garden
- Donate online here.
- Alternately, a check can be sent to the church at Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver, P.O. Box 1621, Vancouver, WA 98668-1621 (indicate ”community garden” in the memo).
A coalition of community partners help provide gardeners for each of the 24 raised beds from among those families they serve. These partners include Maplewood Neighborhood Association, NAACP, LULAC, and the Community Resource Centers for both Martin Luther King Elementary and Fort Vancouver High School. Garden plots are free to qualified Maplewood neighborhood area residents.