Religious Education at UUCV
About our program
The pillars of our program, with love at the center:
Joy: learning with laughter, silliness, and fun; celebrating life and learning milestones through rituals like Child Blessings, Coming of Age, and Bridging Ceremonies
Community: learning to be in community, leaving no one out; how to create and tend to covenants, how to support each other and ourselves
Self-Discovery & Exploration: learning about and celebrating our bodies, hearts, and minds; learning about and celebrating others’ bodies, minds, and hearts
Social Action: learning how to help instigate change in our communities, and what small things we can do to help ease the injustices of the world; using democracy to change and affect our church community and our program.
Religion: learning about and celebrating our own faith and the faiths of others, as well as those without a traditional faith. Living JETPIG (Justice, Equity, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity all powered by Love) to the best of our abilities.
Religious Education Program 2024-2025
Our school-year religious education program begins on September 8th, 2024 (Water Ceremony multigenerational service) and continues until June 8th, 2025 (Community Sunday).
Nursery Free Play
During the school year, our nursery (for children infant through age 5) is open for both services. For the first service (which goes from 9:15 am – 10:15 am), the nursery is open from 9:00 am – 10:30 am. For the second service (from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm), the nursery is open from 10:45 am – 12:15 pm. Caregivers are also welcome to stay with their children in the nursery if that helps them be more comfortable in the nursery environment. There is a speaker system available so caregivers can listen to the sermon while supporting their child- just ask our nursery staff if you’d like to listen in!
SunRE K-12
We have programming for grades K-12 in our Religious Education building every Sunday, except for Multigenerational Worships, where the children and youth join the congregation for the entire worship service. Our set up is flexible, with some Kindergarteners choosing to stay in the nursery, and some siblings going to RE together despite being in different grades. We invite children and youth to go where they’re most comfortable. Our SunRE program is from 11:15-12:15 every Sunday (during the second service).
Elementary: Our elementary schoolers (K-5th grade) are split into three groups, each with its own curriculum. This year’s theme is HOME: how we make our spiritual homes, how we care for family and friends and each other, and building our loving community. This fall, we are offering Our Whole Lives for our 4th-6th graders- for more information, see “Extra Programming”.
Middle School & High School: Our youth (6th-12th grade) are working on Building A Better World Curriculum, a program that discusses ethics and the importance of kindness and acceptance in a role playing game setting. We also have a Youth Night (formerly called Youth Group)- find more information on that under “Extra Programming”.
Accessibility in Our Religious Education Program
We strive to make our RE rooms as welcoming as possible for all children and youth. Each classroom is equipped with two adjustable headsets for children who are overwhelmed or overstimulated by a lot of noise. We also have a “Cozy Corner” in Rooms 1, 2, and 3 for children who need to take a break or self-regulate in a tent with pillows, a book, and coloring supplies. Classrooms are also equipped with fidget manipulatives for those who need them. Children are welcome to bring stuffies to RE if they’d like, and they are encouraged to go to the age group that makes them most comfortable. If they want to follow their sibling or friend instead of going to the class that matches their age, that’s fine. The upper floor of our Religious Education building, where our classrooms are located, is handicap accessible by a ramp that goes into one of our classrooms. Please notify a Religious Education volunteer if your child or youth needs assistance finding any of these tools.
Extra Programming
We have extra programming available for registered children and youth from September through June.

Youth Night:
This program is for our 6th-12th graders on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 7-8pm. Make sure to check the calendar.
Youth have two options every Wednesday: Group or Circle.
- Group is for the more rambunctious young people who enjoy socializing in a big group and doing activities together.
- Circle is for those who enjoy more discussion-based activities, quiet movement, or crafting, and it’s a place for those who don’t enjoy lots of people socializing all at once.
- Youth are able to choose either activity every Wednesday, and can switch in the middle of their evening if they’d like!
Several times throughout the year, youth will go on fun adventures together, which will begin early and end late.
Liberal religious youth visitors are welcome! Youth must be registered for Religious Education after their second visit. To register for Youth Night, please use the form linked here.

Coming of Age:
Coming of Age is an year-round, optional program that is a traditional part of Unitarian Universalist faith. It’s an amazing opportunity for youth (grades 7-9) to take part in, filled with fun, community building, and self-discovery.
This program is closed to visitors after registration is complete.

Our Whole Lives 4-6:
Our Whole Lives(OWL) is a comprehensive, age-appropriate sexual education program. It teaches children about their bodies and the bodies of others, self-esteem, self-care, and how to navigate the difficulties of puberty and physical changes. OWL is gender-inclusive and trans-positive, and strives to be a welcoming program for all children.
- OWL 4-6 is a 10-week program, ending around Thanksgiving 2024
- Looking for the next time we’re offering OWL 7-9? We’ll be having that program again in the 2026-2027 school year.
- To learn more about Our Whole Lives, visit this link.
This program is closed to visitors after week 2 (September 22nd, 2024)
Special Events:
These events only happen once a year, and are a wonderful opportunity to bond as a community! For more information, check the calendar.
SpUUky Party & Haunted House: October 26, 2024
Tree Trimming Party: December TBD
No Rehearsal Pageant: December 24th, 2024
Mystery Pals February-March 2025
Tales & Treats May 2025
We welcome visitors and are glad to meet with families interested in learning more about what it means to be UU. You can reach our Director of Religious Education at 360-695-1891 extension 4 or