Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 and 11 am both in-person or livestream (details in our weekly newsletter). We offer two services from the Sunday after labor day to the Sunday before Memorial Day. During the summer months, we offer once service at 10:30 am.
We come together to explore, discover, and affirm what is of deepest worth in life. Though we avoid imposing fixed answers to the eternal questions, we do address ourselves to them, and we apply our tentative answers in daily life.
After each service, we enjoy Social Hour with coffee, tea, and conversation in RE Main.

Features of the Worship Service
Our standard order of service includes singing and featured music, rituals of community, a time of quiet reflection and a central message. Our Minister leads about half of our services over the course of the year. When she is away, the morning’s message is offered by guest ministers, outside speakers, or individuals from our congregation. We appreciate the variety. With our diverse personalities and theological viewpoints, each of us could probably name features in our worship services that do and do not reflect our personal preference. Because we value diversity, we focus on what is meaningful for us and bear heartful witness to what may be more meaningful for others.
JOYS & SORROWS is a ritual that offers the opportunity to share joys and sorrows with the congregation. Congregants may submit a joy or sorrow online before the service begins and these entries will be read aloud by the minister (or worship team) during the service. Out of respect for one another, we exercise self-discipline by sharing only personal losses, celebrations and important life transitions — not announcements about our recent activities or commentary on world affairs.
Children and youth join us for the first part of worship. They enjoy the story for all ages and then we sing them out to their own religious education classes in the RE Building. After worship, parents pick their children up from their classroom.
We have large print hymnals available on our hymnal cart, located just inside the door to the sanctuary. Assisted Listening Devices are available upon request from an usher. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before the service begins if you’d like to use one of the devices.
The verb worship means to shape worth. The meanings of worth suggest the purpose of worshipping: to come to be equal to, or to turn toward, the highest or best values. To worship is to give useful, instructive shape to those often abstract values, to symbolize or articulate them in memorable and helpful ways. We create, and we cut back, the words and symbols we use in worship according to their usefulness. They are never fixed, but do endure as long as they serve the purpose of showing us the good we strive toward (or of binding a worshipping community together).
~Rev. Paul R. Beedle, UU Minister, Stafford, TX