The UUCV website is a living space filled with the ever changing information about the activities and aspirations of our beloved community. If you notice information that is out of date or incorrect or confusing, please use the form below to let us know. Your observations will help us keep this space vibrant.

If you wish to offer new content for this website that is longer than will fit in the form, please send a google doc or MS Word document to Content submissions will be edited to maintain consistency throughout the website. The editing process is simply a conversation filled with compromise and problem solving. You may lose your personal favorite line or piece but you will gain the power of our collective voice.

When crafting content keep in mind that this space is designed with intention and the following website philosophy applies:

  • Our navigation system aims to be clear and simple enough that you can see all of your options with just a click or two.
  • Our content is written with the goal of getting the viewer off the page and down a pathway to real in-person connection and offers concrete calls to action.
  • This entire space strives to use these website accessibility best practices including high contrast color schemes and intentional organization for keyboard navigation.
  • Images are selected within the constraints of copyright law, privacy concerns, and alignment with our mission. Adding alternative text for screen readers is a work in progress but coming soon.

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