UUCV Operational Rule for Privacy Issues

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver will, to the best of our ability, strive to protect the general privacy of all members, friends and visitors to our facilities. We also will seek to respect specific privacy needs of individuals or families. To that end, we will consistently honor and utilize safety-minded practices in our print and online communications, including the following:

  • Server email addresses (person@uucvan.org) and church phone numbers should be considered as the safest and most appropriate contact options, especially on the web site. Server addresses can be created for all groups wishing to be contacted by email. Forwarding of email from the server to private email addresses can be easily arranged for key individuals or multiple group members. Please contact webmaster@uucvan.org if your group does not yet have a domain email account.
  • No captions or photo image file names used on the website shall contain both the first and last names of any individual.
  • Individuals and parents who have concerns and/or preferences about the safety or privacy of their children or themselves can “opt out” of having their last names and/or photos included in church communications (“opt-out” form attached). A list of the Opt Out requests shall be compiled and maintained by the Communications team and made available to church volunteers, by request through the church secretary or the Communications Team. All creators and editors of church communication materials, web managers and all committee heads shall keep an up-to-date copy of the Opt-Out list and take responsibility for maintaining requested levels of privacy.
  • The Resource Book with a directory of members and friends shall not be made available to casual or walk-in visitors. After initial distribution, when the Resource Book will be available between and after services, extra copies will be kept in the office, not the foyer, for members and friends. Members and friends are encouraged to shred outdated directories; if you don’t have access to a shredder, you may return old directories to the church office for shredding.
  • No mobile information will be shared with third parties or affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

Statement of Risk: When our names and private (residential) addresses or phone numbers are made public, we expose ourselves to privacy and safety risks. Private email addresses posted on the website are vulnerable to theft by list pirates and spam operators. Photos of adults and children in our congregation create a warm and inviting website and are fun to look at, but unfortunately, they’re also easy to copy and misuse by online strangers.

Note: This privacy policy shall be posted at the church; posted online; made available to newcomers; included annually in the monthly newsletter, and made available to anyone upon request.

I, (please print name)______________________________________________, choose to “opt out” of

allowing the use of my/our ( ) last names and/or ( ) photographs, for/in any church communications.



Family members included in this Opt-Out Policy:

________________________________________ _________________________________________

________________________________________ _________________________________________

Signature_______________________________________________________________ Date___________________________