The Annual Pledge Campaign kicks off this Sunday, March 16.
YOU are invited to attend worship service to hear all about the campaign and have cake together afterwards if attending in person.

More information is available on the APC webpage in the pledge campaign booklet.

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Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver

4505 E 18th St
Vancouver, WA 98661


Secure Mail:
P.O. Box 1621
Vancouver, WA 98668-1621

Sunday Worship: 9:15 & 11:00 AM

Chalice Circle

This summer you have the opportunity to experience Chalice Circles, UUCV’s version of small group ministry, where you can consider topics thoughtfully with fellow UUs while being led by a skillful facilitator. The covenant that Chalice Circles subscribe to includes: “We learn and grow through honest personal reflection and sharing. We support others with respect and care through open-hearted listening and encouragement.”

During summer 2023, we are offering monthly meetings July to September, and there’s still room for YOU to join! Summer Chalice Circles meet at various times and places, with various facilitators. You can attend one, two or all three months. Choose the one that best fits your schedule. See the Summer 2023 sign up form for more details about July meetings and the full schedule for August and September.


Aug 17 2023


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


RE Main


Organizer Name
Organizer Name