Speaker: Deborah Willoughby

Hungarian Delight

You may think of dessert, but I’m thinking of my trip to Romania to attend the 4th Convocation of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist Women… I hope to share photos, stories, and a little about Unitarian Universalism around the world.

What Does It Mean To Be Creative?

We humans, every one of us, are creative beings at our core. We owe our very existence to our ability to create – to problem-solve, invent, converse, write, parent, cook, heal, build, think, make clothing, art, jokes, and music. The rapidly growing capacity of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based tools to do many of these same things … Continue reading What Does It Mean To Be Creative?

Does democracy begin at home?

The “Father Knows Best” family structure is still around in U.S. families. It’s difficult to change culture, even if we think we have embraced household equity and fairness. Are there links between authoritarian households and political views?