Topic: Delight

Delighting in Movement

We are exploring love as it relates to those things which delight us. Dance, movement, pantomime, and the ways we move our bodies are a constant source of delight. Why is this so? How can we take advantage of this biological fact?

Hungarian Delight

You may think of dessert, but I’m thinking of my trip to Romania to attend the 4th Convocation of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist Women… I hope to share photos, stories, and a little about Unitarian Universalism around the world.

Intergenerational Water Ingathering

We return to two services this morning after a summer of single services. Join us for this annual ingathering service as we reconnect after our summer travels. Both services will be accessible online as well. You are invited to bring water that holds special meaning for you. Like a drop of water, we are connected … Continue reading Intergenerational Water Ingathering