Love at the Center
Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center. We do the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.
Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center. We do the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.
As I prepare to travel to attend the 4th International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women in Kolozsvár, Romania, I’ve been thinking about our European roots, especially the region known as Transylvania. It’s known for medieval towns, mountainous borders and castles like Bran Castle, a Gothic fortress associated with the legend of Dracula. It is also … Continue reading Our Transylvanian Roots
I like to celebrate “Interdependence Day” rather than “Independence Day.” While it is important to separate from our oppressors, we must recognize our linkages, too. Especially as our national presidential election looms, that we will be in relationship with those who voted for the other candidate is not in question. The question is: how do … Continue reading On Interdependence
We’re more alike than we are unalike.We’re examining our origins and beyond!
Bring a flower this morning, or send in a photograph (, to celebrate our uniqueness and beauty; how we are each different and yet belong together. This service is more interactive and appropriate for children of all ages.
What is the blessing of our theology? What about our faith holds us? How does Unitarian Universalism keep us going in tough times? Be sure to join us between services for a special Election Meeting held by your Board of Trustees.