Expanding Reproductive Care Options
Abortion is basic and common medical care, yet courts and politicians are unjustly restricting access in much of the U.S. How can we expand access and create a world in which abortion is seen as a blessing?
Abortion is basic and common medical care, yet courts and politicians are unjustly restricting access in much of the U.S. How can we expand access and create a world in which abortion is seen as a blessing?
Last summer, we explored the “unsung hymnal,” those hymns in our hymnal that we tend to ignore for one reason or another. Though Singing the Journey has only been around for 20 years, we’ve had plenty of time to ignore a lot of hymns in there as well. We’ll sing through some unfamiliar tunes, and … Continue reading The Unsung Journey
As I prepare to travel to attend the 4th International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women in Kolozsvár, Romania, I’ve been thinking about our European roots, especially the region known as Transylvania. It’s known for medieval towns, mountainous borders and castles like Bran Castle, a Gothic fortress associated with the legend of Dracula. It is also … Continue reading Our Transylvanian Roots
“Story” is one of the more powerful tools we humans use in building relationship, culture and community. We’re told stories and we tell stories—to learn, to connect, to remember. In our families, our elders may not have had the time or desire to sit us down and relate their story to us, chapter and verse. But do we somehow absorb and carry on their story anyway? However it happens, the stories we pick up from those … Continue reading The Power of Generational Story
Current events in government and politics can be discouraging, and to wonder how much a single vote counts. But there are encouraging ways we can make a difference beyond national elections, and important tools for acting on our values in the wider world at our doorstep.
Science shows we live in an evolving world. What does this mean for our relationships with nature and with our fellow humans? A biologist ponders how to be kind and responsible members of our diverse, dynamic, and pliable web of life.
We can make a difference by providing more than empathy to people who are suffering.
In this ever-changing and multicultural world, we look at how it is we adapt to change and affect the culture at large. We will hear from the SW Equity Coalition this morning as well.
I like to celebrate “Interdependence Day” rather than “Independence Day.” While it is important to separate from our oppressors, we must recognize our linkages, too. Especially as our national presidential election looms, that we will be in relationship with those who voted for the other candidate is not in question. The question is: how do … Continue reading On Interdependence
We’re more alike than we are unalike.We’re examining our origins and beyond!