Archives: Services

Where Are We Going?

This is the fourth and final in a series of services about our individual and collective spiritual journeys which come together in the Unitarian Universalist Association. We will explore a bit of Association Governance and Bylaws as next month’s General Assembly will consider a change from “principles” to “values” in Article II.

All Ages Flower Festival

Bring a flower this morning, or send in a photograph (, to celebrate our uniqueness and beauty; how we are each different and yet belong together. This service is more interactive and appropriate for children of all ages.

What Keeps Us Here?

What is the blessing of our theology? What about our faith holds us? How does Unitarian Universalism keep us going in tough times? Be sure to join us between services for a special Election Meeting held by your Board of Trustees.

What Does It Mean To Be Creative?

We humans, every one of us, are creative beings at our core. We owe our very existence to our ability to create – to problem-solve, invent, converse, write, parent, cook, heal, build, think, make clothing, art, jokes, and music. The rapidly growing capacity of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based tools to do many of these same things … Continue reading What Does It Mean To Be Creative?