Speaker: Rev. Kathryn Bert

Freedom from Evil

The term “collective liberation” has taken hold as we recognize the complicated and related oppressions that plague our societies. “Liberation theology” is the name of a particular theological framework for achieving collective liberation. This service will unpack some of these terms so that we might free ourselves and our world.

May Nothing Evil Cross this Door

When the hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition, was published in 1993, the hymn by that title was the most sung hymn by our congregations (thus printed as the first hymn in the book). What did we mean by it when it was sung prior to 1993 and what do we mean by it now?

Finding Our Center

What do we mean when we say, as we have been this month, that “by our own authority, we change the world?” How do we find that authority? How do we find the center from which we can speak our truths?