Archives: Services

Finding Our Center

What do we mean when we say, as we have been this month, that “by our own authority, we change the world?” How do we find that authority? How do we find the center from which we can speak our truths?

Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

Our service titled The Authority of Rosa Parks has been rescheduled to January 28th. Because of severe weather, we canceled our in-person worship and met online to enjoy worship presented by the former UUA president, Rev. Susan Frederick Gray.

Silence, Peace, and War

What is the place of silence in a world at war? As we enter this holiday season, wars are raging and violence abounds. How do we work for peace and the cessation of violence? How do we find peace and silence?

The Music of Stillness

Inner peace is one of the goals of spiritual practice. Sages and prophets have used silence to achieve that internal peace. By silencing the surface chatter, we can begin to hear a deeper voice. Silence is our theme this month, and we begin by exploring the spiritual practice of listening.

Does democracy begin at home?

The “Father Knows Best” family structure is still around in U.S. families. It’s difficult to change culture, even if we think we have embraced household equity and fairness. Are there links between authoritarian households and political views?