The Annual Pledge Campaign (APC) is happening now! A Pledge Connector will be visiting your group or team to lead a short discussion and make sure you know how important your response is.
For more information, check out the APC webpage. On that page you’ll find links to the pledge form (for those making a financial promise) and an update form (for those not making a financial pledge).
In these difficult and demanding times, our spirit of generosity needs to be carefully cultivated and nurtured. How do we sustain our sense of personal generosity—in whatever ways we give—when we’re suffering from giving fatigue? The source of a generous spirit and heart lies in being generous with ourselves.
When we adopted new languge to describe our faith, we put love at the center. As the congregation works to define its vision, we welcome new ideas and new members. This service is all about generosity and the future of the UU Church of Vancouver.